Montag, 2. Januar 2017

Jewellery and a New beginning

Happy New Year, lovely people! 

Are you excited as me?? :) I know, a new year always brings two sides, a new beginning but also the feeling of letting go. I think we find this in a lot of things and recently I found this feeling in my jewellery collection.

First thing every backpacker has in common? Right. A huge amount of bracelets. And sometimes rings. And necklaces. And usually something wrapped and braided into their hair.
Jewellery buying or making becomes part of every travel and sometimes it can be very useful to learn macrame for several reasons.
My ex boyfriend asked me once, why I would never take all that shit off. He was annoyed that every move I made would wake him up. That happened after a few months though, on our third date he looked me into the eyes with that amazed smile one can only have on a third date and told me how beautiful he finds it that he could hear me coming and moving and what a joy I'd bring into his life. 
Anyway. I told him all these pieces were memories on special places, people, moments. The little movement in his eyebrows made me realize very quickly that this was a mistake. 
If these were memories involving other guys, he asked. Why I'd live in the past, he asked. If my tattoos were the same and if I were not happy in the present. I don't think I have to mention that he hadn't realldy have the chance to travel so far. Or that we did break up a few weeks later. After another huge argument I gave up trying to explain what those precious moments mean to me even though I'm very happy with my present and they do exist in my past.  
What he couldn't understand is absolutely impossible not to understand for a nomad. Without having a proper home (or many homes) we carry the important things with us. Memories are probably the most valuable thing I have in my life. I learn from them, they brought me to where I am today and give me company on the road to the future. They make me happy (and sometimes sad) and I couldn't be more grateful for all of them. 
And because I wear all these memories in forms of tattoos and jewellery on my body every day, they've become a part of me. I feel naked without my rings and bracelets. My skin usually is white on my wrists and when I shave my legs I always cut my ankles by trying not to cut my anklets (or I just miss this part of my legs which I recognized currently.). And this is why it is so sad when we lose a piece. 
Macrame Hairwraps
I heard a lot of stories about jewelry during my travels. "Oh what a beautiful stone!" - "Yea, I found this.........!" Or "Wow you have so many rings!" - "I know! I always wear 7 and when I find another one I have to let go of one. This reminds me that we have to change from time to time and never stop trying!" Beautiful stories from beautiful people. My story: I have something from every place I go to. If it's a shell or a bracelet or a shell which I braid into a bracelet. I wear them always (and yes, I do have to take them off for Karate and yes, that does take a while...) and when they fall off, break or I lose them I think of whatever happened on this place and – whatever comes with the thoughts – contact the people from this moment, think about a reason why my life seems to need to let go of this moment, think about what is attached to that moment and and and. 
Mostly I come to the solution, that it was a great time and that I learned so much from it and since the day I put the ring or whatever it is on. Which is an amazing thing because how often do we really think back and reflect?
But sometimes I become very sad because certain pieces mean so much to me (attachment problems, yeah
Erasmusyear in Lyon with Isa
I know). And this is the reason for this post. A little self therapy and the hope, that someone reads this and can relate to that. Because I think most people in my life would more be like "
Ähm.. Leo... It's a fucking broken Ring. You were complaining all the time that it pricks your thumb. Now it's gone, stop whining, you have like 30 other things on your arms." But yeah, I miss that goddamn ring and a very important necklace someone gave to me once and which is somewhere in the Himalayas now. And some other things. All lost within the last 6 months. Guess the wind of change and a new year is coming. Time to let go and make some space for new memories :) 

And speaking about the new year:
Yes. Let go. Because what some of you might not know: a complete new circle beginns with 2017.
In the numerology 2017 stands for the number 1, a new beginning.

A lot of people felt that 2016 was either very intense, challenging or very hard. This is because 2016 was the number 9, which is the last number in a circle. We made the very last steps last year, coming all the way from 2009. We came to final conclusions and got out of our comfort zone. Many of us have the feeling that we finally figured out, what our limited believes are, where our borders lie what we really want and need in life and so on but that we somehow were not able (yet) to change our patterns and overcome these old habits.  
2017 now is our chance to start over fresh. Everything we discovered so far will get a complete new chance within the next year (and the following 8). Now it's time to let go of old habits that don't serve us any longer. To break through old patterns. To love and live complete. Make the first year best and then the following years better. Live however you always wanted to live and act like you would want everyone to act. Take 100% responsibility for yourself and the world around you and do your part to make it a better place to live in. 
2017 now is our chance to start over fresh. Everything we discovered so far will get a complete new chance within the next year (and the following 8). Now it's time to let go of old habits that don't serve us any longer. To break through old patterns. To love and live complete. Make the first year best and then the following years better. Live however you always wanted to live and act like you would want everyone to act. Take 100% responsibility for yourself and the world around you and do your part to make it a better place to live in.

friends, arts & crafts at the NY festival
I couldn't be more grateful for where I am and for the last years. Especially 2016 had a huge impact in me, I got inspired and healed, challenged and welcomed. I went from silent monastries over overwhelming mountains and happy-making beaches back to the city life and still try to find the balance.  I found friends, connections and deep love within myself and others and I learned so many things from many different people. Recently I discovered and reconnected with nature's energies and their power in good and also hard times. I was recieving a shamanic healing and I never felt so open and able to show and communicate feelings and thoughts. There is still a long way to go but I feel much stronger and happier and within myself lately or maybe just more comfortable and I feel that my way of connecting with people and the world has changed in a much deeper and - for me - better way. 
New Years letting-go ceremony
2017 will bring big things, that's the only thing I know for sure. I know, most of you guys don't even know what exactly is going on in my life lately and keep asking if and when I come back. The truth is: I will see you again, for sure (so far planned: coming to Europe in summer and yes, SKANDALÖS FESTIVAL is on top of my list) and you are in my heart and thought even though we are miles apart. I don't feel any different about my lifelong (or yearslong) friends and you guys mean the world to me even though we are not in permanent contact. And I know the closest ones know that :) If I'll ever settle down in Germany again... not so sure. I do have plans and visions but I rather not talk about all this too much right now because it just feels right for me to live in the moment for now and to develop these ideas until they feel absolutely right. I will for sure keep travelling for a while and I'm about to make my way to afford this lifestyle on a location-independent base which doesn't only serve me but also can be a way to help others and make the world a tiny bit better. I plan on studying a bit more and I have several ideas on countries and projects, I just need to find the right order :) I hope you all had a wonderful start into 2017, this year of new beginnings and excitement (like me at the Renaissance Festival, a must try if you're around Melbourne). Now it's the time to live your dream, if this isn't already what you're doing.

peaceful jam the night before NY

How do you feel about the new year and about letting go 2016? Does the numerology makes sense for you? And can you relate to Jewellery and memories? What represents your precious memories? Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear your story!

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